The GOOD DESIGN AWARD 2019 was received by B—Line’s designer and new art director Maddalena Casadei for her Tran Tran Table.

Twenty years from its establishment, the Good Design Award is nowadays one of the most coveted and prestigious recognitions at international level, one that celebrates the world of contemporary design and honours great designers and industrialists striving for innovation and technological development.
In the wake of the resounding success attained in 2018 with Bix, the small armchair by the Zanellato-Bortotto duo and with Maddalena Casadei’s Fonda table, 2019 once again saw B—Line receiving the Good Design Award for the wooden Tran Tran table, this too the work of Maddalena Casadei, architect and designer, who has recently also taken on the artistic direction of the company, with its path of iconic and versatile products becoming hers. As of today, the company has therefore collected 7 products that were awarded the unmistakable black dot of Good Design, having already been awarded this very qualification for Gemma in 2013 / Fishbone in 2015 / Helix in 2016 and Merano in 2017.

The Tran table distinguishes itself for sobriety and versatility: the ingrained simplicity of wood combined with rigorous and essential lines that make it suitable for conjugating work, meeting and convivial living, all daily actions which modern living proposes to superimpose within spaces that are becoming increasingly more hybrid, informal and in constant evolution.
Once more, the experts of the American Commission saw fit to reward the validity of figurative expression combined with the multi-functionality of a product brimming with actuality but already projected towards the future, precisely like the Company’s unmistakable DNA.