After the recent interviews with several B—Line designers, it is now Giorgio Bordin’s turn. The company’s CEO wholeheartedly shares a message that is at the same time analytical and profound, comprising both economic and humanitarian aspects as well.
At the end of a complex and, at times, dramatic year, from his analysis emerges the man who puts man at the centre and, only at a later stage, his activity. From his words we recognise reflections, perceptions and expectations for the dawning of a new year that will simply restore normality, re-birth and a sense of measure, as he so aptly expresses here:

“I think it has been a very complex year for everyone, a year that has marked and will continue to mark our lives for a long time to come. In all these months, pain and suffering have marred the lives of all those who have lost relatives or friends because of the virus. In addition to this, we cannot overlook the hardship of the multitude of people who have lost or will lose their jobs as a result of the pandemic.
From an emotional point of view, this period has highlighted life’s fragility, the precariousness and limitations of the human being, but also an overwhelming desire to return to, and rediscover, the simple occurrences of existence, those little everyday things in which negativity and prevarications do not prevail.
Like many others by now, I think that attentive consideration should be given to the system, to globalisation, our society and consumerism. A definite change and different parameters are needed, avoiding equally harmful extremisms in every direction.
We entrepreneurs must recognise our responsibilities, but the institutions and the establishments of the various countries must also undertake long-term actions to absolutely ensure that such situations no longer occur, or to warrant that we find ourselves better prepared in the event of other similar emergencies.
From a professional viewpoint and after the important change of image at the beginning of the year, B—Line decided, precisely as I have already pointed out, to take some breathing space and to allow itself a few months for reflecting and exchanging opinions with its designers as well.
Future aims will be to foster sustainable growth, not necessarily punctuated by the timings of the various events in the design world. Less products but with a different approach. The digital and social business field will be strengthened and fads of the moment will be shelved, focusing even more incisively on the timeless connotation of our furnishings.
B—Line was born with the reviving of important objects from the past, forgotten by most, but which however have outstanding potential. I think that the correct way to go is by looking back more at the past, at the good things done and at well-defined and orderly paths, a type of philosophy that is often worthy of consideration.
My wish, and that of the whole B—Line team, is that 2021 can really prove to be a year of rebirth but also of a return to life with more awareness on the part of all and sundry, putting aside personal egoism.”