B—Line is a company specialised in designer furnishings which, ever since its beginnings, has manufactured contemporary products along with evergreen icons from the past, such as Joe Colombo’s famous Boby storage trolley. Solid, transversal and flexible designs, the result of collaborations with international designers and of an exclusively Italian production.
B—Line is a company, brainchild of its founder, Giorgio Bordin, that restores life to several historical icons of design on the Italian scenario. These are works that have disappeared over the years, made obsolete by the unrelenting ferment of a market that is brimming with innovation. Of the products re-edited, some have made history “contaminating” many facets of art and design, such as Joe Colombo’s famous Boby.
From the very beginning, side by side with its re-editions, B—Line places contemporary furnishing accessories, resulting from collaborations with international designers. Tangible, factual and transversal projects that have the responsibility and honour to co-exist with the great cornerstones of design and to encourage, in terms of style and character, a smooth switch from home environments to working spaces and from outdoors to indoors, areas that are increasingly hybrid and mercurial, as demanded by contemporary lifestyles.
A journey through ageless icons and contemporary contaminations
23 May 2022

The TIMELESS project that this photographic path illustrates, contains a series of unprecedented shots with a vaguely extemporaneous flavour.
In a decidedly pop location, design meets an unpredictable and distant world: a gym, flooded with light and permeated by that air that is charged with movement and physical effort. A totally unique setting that kindles emotional perceptions.
TIMELESS is the B—Line collection dedicated to the greatest designers of the past, masters and interpreters that reached the highest standards of essentially combined aesthetics and functionality.
